Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Princess Rosebutt

The weather has been beautiful here the past few days--great for walks with baby. One of the reasons I love Virginia is the beautiful show of seasons we get here. Yesterday I noticed the tree out front has started to bloom--spring is right around the corner! I can't wait for all the blossoms to explode (dogwoods are my favorite!). They aren't particularly good for Ry's allergies, but I say, "Pop a Claritin and enjoy!"

And here are a few pics of my baby apple blossom after her bath. The "princess" robe and bunny slippers were a gift. I LOVE the slippers (wish I had a pair myself), but I've had some reservations about the robe. Sure, it's cute, but I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "princess" industry.

But then again, I remember feeling jaded early on. I remember listening to Sleeping Beauty on tape, with one of those read-along books, and being awed by the story of Princess Rosebud. My dad heard it and thought it was hilarious that a princess would be named "Rosebutt," and I was shocked at the indignity of his comments. I would have taken some pix of Tess as Princess Rosebutt, but Ry has strictly forbidden me from taking any naked baby photos.

There's no question in my mind that as a daughter of God with a divine nature, Tess is certainly a princess. And I can see the fun of dressing up and pretending. But there's something disturbing about the aggressive marketing of the "princess" mentality to little girls, with its focus on image and sense of entitlement based on physical beauty.

Instead of relying on a sense of entitlement, I want Tess to be driven by a sense of responsibility to live up to her divine nature. I want her to work hard, to use her mind, her talents and all things beautiful about her to bless her life and the lives of those around her.

OK, maybe this is a bit deep for a baby not yet 3 mos. old, but I don't have a lot of time to figure this stuff out before it is going to matter! Luckily, she didn't seem too enthralled by the princess robe--she kept trying to knock that goofy crown off her head. Maybe I don't have much to worry about after all.


Unknown said...

I want those slippers AND the robe. I would wear it around the house as it would help Brooke to remember who is in charge!

Ann said...

I love the "pop a claritin and enjoy". That made me laugh! Your tree is beautiful! That is the reward for enduring the winter. And the reward for enduring the summer---the most beautiful fall trees! Those are two great seasons in VA. Just lose the other two!

Anonymous said...

Ah, come on Mir. Not even a "Daddy's Little Princess" every once in a while?


Maureen said...

Oh geez, just wait until they're old enough to start asking for the Bratz dolls. Anything "Bratz" is strictly forbidden at our house, although now they have Bratz pets that Kenzie's been begging for. Not gonna happen.

I'm jealous you have spring at your house!

Anonymous said...

Well, dagnabbit, Tess' paternal grandmother (that's *Queen* Nana to you!) thinks it's just fine that her royal progeny dresses in her Princess suit.

xo Nana

Ryan said...

Way to stand up against the Bratz dolls, Reen! Those things are nothing short of evil!
