Friday, March 12, 2010

"Les" and "Bess"?

Just got to talk to my doctor, who provided some helpful information. She said the reason we are pushed to Day 5 is because we have so many beautiful embryos! We have currently have 5 "Grade 1" embryos--the highest ranking on Shady Grove's system.

In the past couple years, Shady Grove has made great strides in Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET), which simply means growing embryos to blastocyst stage so only one embryo has to be transferred. This great reduces the risk of triplets and twins.

Shady Grove did an eSET study in 2008 with surprising results: transferring 2 blastocysts does NOT increase the chance of pregnancy--it actually slightly reduces the chance of pregnancy. However, transferring 2 greatly increases the chance of twins.

IVF Using Own Eggs

IVF Using Donor Eggs

# of Blastocyst

Blast eSET

2 Blast ET

Blast eSET

2 Blast ET

# of Transfers





% Preg/ET





% Multiples





% Multiples





"By electing to transfer one blastocyst instead of two in patients with good prognosis, our data demonstrates that twin pregnancy, with its greater risk to mother and infants, can be nearly eliminated without compromising pregnancy success rates."

So, transfer 1, chance of pregnancy is 61%. Transfer 2, chance of pregnancy is 59%.

Transfer 1, chance of twins is 2%. Transfer 2, chance of twins is 43%.

Assuming the embryos still look good on Sunday, my doctor recommends transferring only 1 embryo. Whew!

I haven't done a poll for a while, so I'll pose the question to you: transfer 1 or transfer 2?

Not that we'll really listen to what you have to say. That is, unless you can come up with some really cute twin names.

I'm thinking "Wes" and "Jess."


Ann said...

Twins. Twins. Twins. Can you hear me chanting?

Ryan said...

You're evil, Ann. If it's twins, we're sending one to sunny San Diego.

Ann said...

Send it! We would love a little baby for a bit. Without having to birth it! Twins. Twins. Twins.

Unknown said...

All the best to you and your Easter eggs tomorrow!!

Ryan said...

Easter eggs = Christmas presents. I don't know why I do this to myself.

Maureen said...

You do this because Easter eggs = big money from Dipsy at Christmas! She's gonna hafta change the system soon!

I think you should name your twins the same thing. If you have a boy and a girl, they can both be Pat. Or Leslie. Or Jamie. It'd be a hoot!

ML said...

I vote that that's the weirdest thing I've ever voted for

juanita said...

best wishes w/this. I voted before I read your post. I had voted 2 thinking that gives a better chance but now I Think as I understand your post, that it seems the higher chance of success occurs w/1. I really hope this will work out for you the way you hope and pray.