How is it possible that I posted this picture in December,and the biggest snowstorm of the season is still on its way?

I've heard that we are supposed to get anywhere from 12 to 35 inches. Ryan's guess is 20 inches. Tess says we'll get 18 (I think that's the biggest number she knows). I'm seriously thinking of packing up and heading somewhere warm and balmy--like Idaho or Colorado!
I've made all the requisite preparations. We have milk, eggs, toilet paper, and 4 movies from Blockbuster. I even bought ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies.
Only problem is that we only have a dusting of snow, and we've already eaten all the chocolate chips.
So I'm off to the store with a kind of "Last Supper" mentality. What would you stock up on?
This is hilarious!!!
Hopefully the stores aren't empty! I know how it is in NoVa when there is even talk of white powder. Get some hot cocoa, marshmallows and Hot Tamales for Ry. Oh, don't forget to get Super Bowl foods too :)
p.s. I wish we could be snowed in with you ;)
Make sure you have Children's Tylenol, just in case. It's miserable to be out when you need it.
Also frozen pizza, mmm! And stuff for sandwiches, just in case the power goes out.
And Dr. Pepper always makes the world taste better...
garbanzo beans
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