Life marches on in spite of IVF injections and frequent doctor's appointments. Here's a little of what's been going on:
I was missing my Valentine's Day tulips, so I treated myself to a bouquet from the grocery store. Tess picked out a lovely purple bunch. We got home to find Ryan home early, with what else in hand, but a bunch of lovely white tulips!
Tess saw the white flowers and said, "Two flowers! Purple!" I had to explain to Ryan that I had bought myself the same gift. I don't know how he knew exactly what I wanted, but now I'm rolling in tulips! It's almost like spring!
"Self" is Tess' new favorite phrase, right after "Tess' turn" and "Mine." Tess wants to do everything herSELF. She likes to try and get dressed herSELF--pants, shirt, shoes and socks.
Tess is starting to have clothing preferences. She found this pair of strawberries bloomers from an old summer outfit and started calling them "beach pants." It's a little chilly for beach pants, so I let her wear them under her pants. You never know when the beach may beckon.

Whether it's eating, sleeping or playing, Tess loves to have company along, usually in the form of babydoll or stuffed animal "friends."
Her bed is more of a toybox/bookcase than a restful retreat. Every night she insists on sleeping with her bedtime story, and she won't let us clear out any of the old stories. In addition to books, she has to sleep with 4 blankets, at least one water cup and several "friends." Whatever gets her through the night!
We've been spending a lot of time on puzzles lately. We check them out of the library and she practices all week. I'm impressed with Tess' skill and persistence in doing puzzles.
Tess loves to draw several times a day. Her favorite subject is still faces. She absolutely cannot resist an open circle--if she sees one, she is compelled to draw eyes, a nose and mouth. Sometimes I draw circles so I can watch her eagerly finish them off. She also likes it when I draw a variety of monsters and leave the faces for her to fill in.
She has started pointing out that everyone has a "circle head." We'll be in the grocery store and she'll point to some unsuspecting old man, and Tess will say, "Look, Mommy! Circle head!" Then she'll draw a circle in the air like she's tracing the outline of his head.
Line down, line on top
Tess had a breakthrough tonight! I've been teaching her about the letter "T" for the past few days. I've been showing her how to draw a "T," with a line down and line on top. She could do the line down part, but she wasn't get the line on top. Tonight she broke out her markers and started filling the page with "T's."