Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Sorry for the recent picture shortage. We're wrapping day 4 of high fevers and croupy cough. We had Nana & Papa over on Saturday for a belated Mother's Day celebration, which was interrupted by Tess demanding a nap and waking up with a fever. Let's just say that Tess was less than a charming hostess.

I thought she was doing better this afternoon--her fever was done to 99 with no medicine. I just took it again and it's back up to 103.6. Sigh.

If I were to post a picture characterizing the past 4 days it would be this:

George has been our loyal and constant companion during our quarantine. And by constant, I do mean constant. I'm wondering now if it's possible to burn a hole through a DVD from overuse. As grateful as I am that he keeps Tessie happy, I'm about ready to go crazy if I hear another, "Oo-oo-ah-ah!"

We may have monkey shish kebabs for dinner tonight.


Nana and Papa said...

And a marvelous belated Mother's Day dinner it was! We were beginning to think Tess did't like us very well--then we found out the poor baby was sick. I don't like anyone very much when I'm sick either. Especially Curious George!
xo Nana

Maureen said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry your little snugabug has been sick :( Poor Tessiekins.

Dipsy said...

I tried to call. How is Tess doing today? Did you have to take her to the doctor? Love you, little one.