Friday, May 14, 2010

Now You Tell Me

I just got a call from my obgyn saying that I tested positive for strep at my appointment a week ago. No wonder I've felt so lousy this past week. I thought it was just a cold.

I want to climb into bed to make up for my missed recovery time. Someone bring chicken soup, please.

Well, I talked to my helpful sister, who informed me, "No idiot, you have Group B Strep, not strep throat." Ahem. I stand corrected.

Times like this, I'm really glad my blog is private.

Yes, the doctor has sent in antibiotics to the pharmacy.

I still want soup.


Maureen said...

Poor Mimi! I'm so sorry!

ML said...

Strep AND a leaky hot water heater? Serenity Now!!!

Dipsy said...

Will they give you something to help you? Wish I could come and kid-nap Tess so you could get an adult-nap! Love, Dipsy

Maureen said...

For the record, I did NOT call her an idiot.