While giving Tess a bath I used a squirt toy (a fish) to get her hair wet. She looked back to see what I was doing. I told her that I was using a fish to wash her hair. She replied, "Thanks, fish!"
Monday, May 31, 2010
May 2010 Tidbits
Tonight at dinner, Ryan taught Tess how to twirl spaghetti on her fork.
Ryan also taught her how to tell the "mean boys" at the gym: "Stop! It's MY turn." Tess claims she used the phrase and accompanying "talk-to-the-hand" gesture when the "mean boys" tried taking her rocking horse at the gym today.
I love it when out of the blue, Tess tells me, "I happy, Mommy."
I also love it how when she gets laughing really hard, she says, "I laughing, Mom!"
When I just came out of the bathroom, Tess said, "Good job, Mommy! You did it! In your own potty!"
Tess has been putting random objects in a small box and surprising me with, "I present you Mommy's Day!" Who says every day isn't Mother's Day?
Tess just found Ryan's stash of gummi bears. With a full mouth, she managed a garbled, "I like bears!"
Today Tess came up to me, put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhhhhhhhh--baby growing."
While giving Tess a bath I used a squirt toy (a fish) to get her hair wet. She looked back to see what I was doing. I told her that I was using a fish to wash her hair. She replied, "Thanks, fish!"
While giving Tess a bath I used a squirt toy (a fish) to get her hair wet. She looked back to see what I was doing. I told her that I was using a fish to wash her hair. She replied, "Thanks, fish!"
It's a drizzly day outside, so Tess and I were talking about how the flowers, trees and birds love the rain. I asked her, "Can you think of anything else that likes the rain?" She responded, "Umbrellas."
Tess has adopted a biblical tone with her newest favorite phrase: "Come, follow me!"
Lately whenever I'm getting ready, Tess comes in the bathroom and tells me she has "hiccups." I was beginning to wonder about her chronic condition, until I realized she meant that she wanted to play with my "makeup," and had confused the two words. How about "Hiccup" as a name for a new makeup line? OK, maybe not so good for mascara.
Tess points to our laptop several times a day and says, "Uncle Ryan 'puter. Uncle Ryan nice boy."
We miss Tess already! She says the funniest things! My favorite was the potty one! :)
I love your monthy highlights of fun moments!
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