Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter (Hold the Sugar, Please)

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday. The Easter Bunny came to our house and left Tess a new train set and lots of eggs to find. Ry got a basketload of sugar (which he wisely took to work with him this morning) and I got a new iPod (that Easter Bunny is full of surprises!).

Tess pretty much got the idea of the egg hunt...more or less. She did not appreciate being force-fed sugary marshmallows first thing in the morning, though. The kid loves peas, broccoli, asparagus and green beans, but try and give her a marshmallow and you'd think we tried to poison her! She's getting lima beans in her eggs from now on!

We went to church with Nana & Papa, had dinner and spent the afternoon with them. Tess loves it at their house. So many things to explore, so many "babies" to chat with, and she relishes the undivided attention of her adoring grandparents.

It would have made for a perfectly relaxing day, except Tess has been positively EXHAUSTING lately. Something happened to my happy, go-lucky baby in the past 4 days and I want her back!

She really wants to be walking now--but she can only do it while holding on to someone's fingers.
Last week when it was nice out, we spent an hour walking up and down the sidewalk like that. She has very strong opinions about where she wants to be going, and she loves stairs. This means walking up the sidewalk, turning and walking up the neighbor's stairs, walking back down, walking up the sidewalk to the next house, turning and walking up the neighbor's stairs, walking back down, and repeat, repeat, repeat again. When I finally took her inside, she had a total meltdown.

Same situation during our Saturday outing to the Art Museum this weekend. We spent the majority of the time walking her up and down the marble staircase. When it was time to leave, her shrieks echoed throughout the gallery and shook the Calderian mobile hanging above.

Her Papa thinks she's cute no matter what she does.

Yesterday at church it was no different. She made it through 15 mins. of Sacrament Mtg. and spent the rest of the time screaming in the foyer because she couldn't walk into the gym, the 7-yr old's Primary class, or the men's restroom.

Does the fact that she's going through the terrible two's 6 months early mean that she's precocious? I can't tell if things are going to get better or worse once she can walk on her own. Let's hope that this is a phase that passes soon! All I know is that I need a nap!


Leslie said...

Oh Tessie! Are you giving your mother a run for her money lately??

The family picture is very cute!

Maureen said...

Love this post. Her little bed head is too adorable. The picture of her with Papa is just beautiful, it needs to be framed.

We're going to try your Resurrection Rolls for FHE tonight... we'll let you know how it goes!

Ann said...

Does she have a walker? Won't help you with the stairs but may save your back! She likes vegetables???? Lucky!!! An i-pod from the bunny??? That is awesome! Your family looks amazing!