Baby girl has been making real strides these past few days. The past couple nights, she's slept for 5 hours IN A ROW! And last night she slept for SIX consecutive hours! Of course, that doesn't mean that Ry and I did--we kept waking up worrying that there must be something wrong with baby if she's slept for 6 straight hours.
Tess had a pediatrician's visit yesterday and everything checked out well. She now weighs 9 lbs, 14 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long! She was in the 30% percentile at birth, and now she's in the 75% percentile! She's gained almost 4 lbs from her lowest weight and grown 2 inches!
She also had to have an immunization shot, which she wasn't too pleased about. Boy, did she scream! I thought I'd let her tell you about the harrowing experience. I haven't told her that we have to go back in a few weeks for a whole round of shots.
These last pics are for Nana, who has been very concerned that we aren't keeping the baby warm enough. When we were at Nana's house, we'd catch her sneaking into the baby's room to pile blankets on Tess at night. Don't worry, Nana. We won't let the baby freeze!

Oh, what a shnuggly widdle teddy bear! Coochie coochie coo!
You have *no* idea how very relieved Nana is to see her grand baby wearing winter "woolies" at last. Now she can sleep peacefully at night too--preferably under a huge pile of blanets!
xo Nana
She is sooo cute. I can't wait to see her. I will be sure to bring extra blankets for her to use. LOL!!
For anyone who is confused about whether to vote for Ryan or Miriam as Tess's look-alike, may I please refer you to the pink-polka-dotted dancer in the video a few blogs back. If those aren't Ryan's dance steps, I don't know what is! Love, Dipsy
Now that I'm looking at close-ups, I'm really thinking that I see more Ryan. There's a kinda smirk that Ryan does when he's thinking something over and I'm seeing it in her. When it comes to personalitys, though, she seems as stubborn as Mir. They're sure gonna duke it out during her teen years!
I agree with Mer. She doesn't totally look like Ryan but some of her expressions are totally Ryan; especially the Nutkin picture. That's Ryan!!
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