So we're back home again, enjoying cooler weather and getting ready for fall. We went to an open house for Tess' preschool this week. She got to meet her teachers, see her classroom, find her cubby and play with toys. She even got to meet the class hamster, Fluffy.
This is Tess outside the front of the school. When we got out, she pointed to the sign and said, "Mom, that the bus stop." She's been reading words like crazy. I started a list and there are about 40 words she can read by sight. She also told me this is her new pose for taking a "cute picture." "When I want a cute picture, I go like this."
Good thing she's cute. We were all ready for the open house and I was strapping the kids in the car when I discovered that Tess had wet her pants. Tess' peeing is going to be the end of me. My one hope and salvation is that she usually only wets at home. At least I hope that's the case for preschool. Her backpack is going to be stuffed full of underwear.
This is the back entrance to the school, which has a long path up a big hill. Tess is in the "upstairs" class, and the older kids are in the "downstairs" class. She starts school this week, and will attend Tuesday and Thursdays from 9:15 to 1:15. She gets to bring a lunch to eat at school. Oh boy, is she going to be a big girl!
Her favorite activity, of course, is the kitchen playset.
I have lots of friends who love this preschool program. Everyone I asked couldn't say enough amazing things about it. I'm really hoping it will help Tess improve her social skills. When her teacher came up to meet her, Tess buried her head in my legs. The teacher asked her simple questions and encouraged her to use words to answer, but Tess was too shy.
It will be interesting to see how she does. It's a long day--I don't think I ever left her for 4 hours with anyone but family. But considering how long it takes her to warm up and feel comfortable, I think the long separation will be a good thing.
Drewbie, Drewbers, Drewster. Um, that kid has kind of been driving us crazy lately. His top two teeth are breaking through and it looks like a bunch more are on their way. He's been cranky and not sleeping and all that good stuff.
Also new with him, he's too big now for his baby carrier car seat. This is a tough transition because he's still not great at sitting up in a grocery cart or restaurant high chair by himself, and usually ends up bonking himself in the swollen teeth at some time during an outing. He's also a heavy, squirmy kid, and I can't just set him down without his carrier.
We tried going out for dinner last night, and he was just impossible: grabbing everything in sight, shredding the paper on the table, cranky, shrieking and refusing his bottle. I finally brought his big carseat into the restaurant so we'd have a place to restrain him. It was the worst going-out experience we've had since...well, since Tess went through this same stage.
Some things really are like deja vu. Drew's been clapping a lot lately. That was one of Tess' first games too. Here's a video of Tess the happy clapper at 11 months.
Drew has also enjoyed my new nursery calling. I take him in for the first hour of nursery and he totally loves playing with the toys and hanging out with the "big" kids. That has made church a little easier.
Speaking of church, this is Tess' drawing of "Mommy at church with a long dress."
We also have church at 11:00 now instead of 9 am. Which allows for morning nap before church. I was surprised to see Drew conked out on the living room floor. Guess that's what happens when you're up twice at night and then wake Dad up at 6:30 am. Isn't he cute, though?
Lots of changes and adjustments. We'll get there with time.
I love Tess's new school shoes. And I love Miriam's long church dress. And I love the dimples in Drew's arms while he's sleeping. Does Tess start school tomorrow then? Have you already plan what you will do with 8 hours a week?
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?" Me: "Umm, sure!" Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?" Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
We're proud of you, big girl Tess! That looks like a super fun preschool!
I love Tess's new school shoes. And I love Miriam's long church dress. And I love the dimples in Drew's arms while he's sleeping. Does Tess start school tomorrow then? Have you already plan what you will do with 8 hours a week?
Oh your kids are ADORABLE!!
P.S. Your yard looks really pretty too. Love the flowers.
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