Thursday, September 15, 2011

Growing Pains

It's been kind of a tough week, coming into our own.  After her first week of preschool, Tess had experienced enough to trigger a separation anxiety meltdown.  

Tess built her own school at home using my rapidly-disintegrating couch cushions.  The pillows on either side are the front and back doors.  She's the teacher and her students are lined up, ready to learn, inside.  Her class does a lot of lining up and listening to the teacher.

Here's a rundown of our long preschool week:

I knew it was too good to be true. Third day of preschool and Tess had a nuclear meltdown when I was leaving her today. She was fine doing her cubby and all her "checking-in" jobs, but when I turned to go, she lost it. Hysterical crying, screaming and hyperventilating for 25 minutes before she calmed down enough so I could go. She still wasn't happy when I left. She was in better spirits when I picked her up, but her teacher said the tears were "off and on" throughout the day. It's hard for me to think that she might be distraught while I'm gone because she's often too shy to ask adults for help if she needs it. I know that's why she needs to do this, but it's hard.

Wednesday night:
Lots of anxiety and tears tonight about preschool tomorrow. "I don't want to go to school. I want to stay home and play. I want to stay with you, Mom. I will miss you. I want you to stay with me at my school. It a long time. I don't want to be big."

Thursday pre-preschool:
Holy hysteria this morning. Tess had a hard time falling asleep last night and she started crying first thing when she woke up. It actually reminds me a lot of when she was a baby and we'd try letting her cry herself to sleep. She'd work herself up to such a frenzy that she'd vomit everywhere. She's wired for this kind of anxiety. "I no want to go to school today. I too sleepy. I want to stay home and sleep ALL DAY! I no like my teachers. I will miss you, Mom. I will miss you. It too long. You no be right back. I will miss EVERYTHING! I will miss my bonk bed and my kitchen and my chalk board! I no feel good. I have a cold. My nose stopped up. I sick. It no uptime yet, Mom. See outside? It still night night time. I need to go to sleep. I will miss you, Mommy. You have to stay with me ALL DAY! Mom, you tell the teacher I will miss you." Tactics that work with other kids don't work with her. Best I can do is listen, tell her I understand, tell her what we'll do to make it better and then try to get her mind off it. Because the rabid foaming at the mouth isn't pretty. "It be a very, very, very, very short day today, Mom?"

Thursday post-preschool:
Phew. Tess was in happy spirits when I picked her up from preschool today. She had lots to tell me about and her teacher said there'd been no more tears. Her teacher also said that Tess is really good with letters. She had Tess write the letter "A" on their chalkboard for class today. Her teacher suggested ways to encourage Tess' reading and writing because she said Tess was really showing signs that she was ready to take it all in.

I stayed with her the first 30 mins of preschool and she was still teary when I left, but not hysterical.  She'll get there with time and patience of all involved.

Speaking of patience, Drewie's top tooth finally broke through.  The other tooth is still pushing it's way out, but they don't seem to be bothering him as much lately.

He's still been getting up twice a night for a bottle though, and I've had it.  So it's been Baby Bootcamp time, which means NO BOTTLE if he wakes up at night.  He was one loud, mad boy Tuesday night, but last night he slept the whole night through.  Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Drew refuses to keep a bib on.  His immediate instinct:  RIP IT OFF!

The difficult days have made us appreciate our fun, downtime together when we don't have to be anywhere or do anything in particular.  We had one last summer picnic at the park together.  It was hardly picture perfect.  It was blazing hot and of course, Tess had to wet her pants, so she ended up running around in one of Drew's diapers.

 But Mr. Sweaty Head, Lil Miss soggy pants and I enjoy being together. 


Dipsy said...

Beautiful park pictures.

Dipsy said...

I laughed and laughed at your nicknames! Cute teeth, Drew!

ML said...

you didn't even mention your dental heroics!

Maureen said...

Being a mom isn't a job for sissies! You're doing great. Love Drew's new teeth, they're very dashing.