Sunday, June 14, 2009

One & One Half

Happy half-birthday to our sweet Tess! She has changed so much these past few weeks. Tess is picking up new words more quickly now--she learns new words every day.

Ry & I have been keeping a running list on the fridge of words she says. Right now she has about 40 words in her vocabulary:

Mom, Mama, Dad, Dada, up, bubble, in, cheese, Elmo, Big Bird, Cook[ie Monster], bye, goodbye, broccoli, fry, book, stinkerpot, hat, eye, Deez (Jesus), amen, hi, baby, ball, Papa, ap[ple], dip, star, spider, bum, [ba]nana, bot[tle], ba[th], waf[fle], [l]ight, ice [cream], bike, socks, shoes, "T," "S"

There are many more words she understands, but doesn't articulate herself.

So much for my dramatic build-up to her first week in Nursery. Today was Stake Conference--so no Nursery until next week. Ry & I took turns running laps with Tess in the hall during Conference today. It was like a party with so many kids in the hallway! She was loving it.

I talked Nana into giving Tess her first haircut this past week. It was long in the back and still shorter on the sides. I just wanted to even it out, so it can all grow at the same rate. I didn't have the heart to trim those little curls myself. Nana did a good job, but I miss the curls. Hopefully it won't take her as long to grow them out again!

And the answer to the eternal question: "Is Tess walking yet?"

I think these count as real steps. We are still having her assessed this week to make sure she doesn't need some extra walking help. She's getting there, though!

Finally, for posterity's sake, here is a list of Tess' favorite things at age 18 months:
  • Walking & running with her walker
  • Riding her ride-on firetruck
  • Going to the playground
  • Being around other kids
  • Books; reading books in our bed before bedtime
  • Smoothies
  • Walking around the church and pointing out all the pictures of Jesus
  • Watching Sesame Street
  • All things "Elmo"
  • Going to the library
  • Snuggling with Mom on the couch
  • Watching video or looking at pictures of herself
  • Riding in the "car" cart at the grocery store
  • Popsicles
  • Talking to Dad
  • Visiting Nana & Papa's house
  • Mom's cell phone
  • Pulling out drawers
  • Playing on the deck
  • Making Mom & Dad laugh
  • Ride-on cars at the mall
  • Water fountains
  • Her bottle (I still can't make a clean break!)
  • Her shoes
  • Puppies & kitties
  • Laughing & telling jokes
  • Curious George
  • Being outside
  • Playing with Mom's makeup
  • Brushing her teeth
  • Cars & trucks
  • Eating & drinking anything Dad is eating & drinking
  • Bubbles
  • Talking to Dipsy on the phone
  • Pens (writing with them & carrying them around)
  • Tearing Mom's wallet apart
  • Playing & flouncing in blankets
  • Music & dancing
  • Going for walks outside
  • Sniffing flowers
  • Climbing
  • Pretend sleeping
  • Vegetables


Unknown said...

THOSE ARE REAL STEPS!!! YAY!! Congrats little Tessie. Now you and Buzz can go for walks. (give him a month and he'll be back to Fuzz) Aunt Laura just pulled out all the Elmo and Sesame Street toys for when you come out. Can't wait to see you

Dipsy said...

We all cheered and hoorayed at game night tonight, when we looked at your blog! Way to go, Tess! Love, Dipsy

Nana and Papa said...

First, she reads the newspaper! Next, she walks! What next?!!! I predict she'll be fighting her parents for her own copy of the NY Times crossword puzzle within the week!

Can't believe she took off on the day of her 18-month birthday. Exactly the same day Ryan decided to motate on his own.

xxoo Nana

Leslie said...

Those are definitely real steps! Good job Tess! All those words you can say and the things you love to do...what a big girl!

Maureen said...

HIP HIP HOORAY! WAY TO GO, TESSABELLE! I am so proud of that girl, she's a champ :) She walks like a pro now!!!!

Her hair cut is adorable, she is just the dearest thing.

I think it's hilarious that one of her few words is "bum."