Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

Tessie is 5 months old today! What a big girl she's getting to be!

It's going by too fast.


Unknown said...

What are the two of you reading??

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sweetie Pie! Love, Dipsy

Maureen said...

Look at that beautiful, bald head! (I was referring to Tess, of course.) Can't wait to see her, we'll have a half-birthday party for her when she comes!!

Ryan said...

Laur--it's the Deseret Book catalog. What a page turner! Especially since the closest DB location to us is the one in Denver!

Every time Ry gets the catalog he laments the fact that DB has become much more about knick-knacks than books.

Check out their feature offering for Father's Day. Pretty cheesy, huh?

Unknown said...

Now I know what to get Ry for his birthday. hee hee I'll also go to DB and pick up a temple tie tack for Ry. Our DB used to be next to a liquor store and they moved several reatail spaces down. Kind of funny.