The shower was hosted by my visiting teachers. I have two stellar, shining-star visiting teachers--which is a lot more than I can say for myself!

Wendy came out for the shower too. She made this beautiful (and really soft and warm) blanket for Tess.

And, I finally got around to finishing up the baby's room. This mainly involved clearing out the closet where I had crammed everything that didn't have a place.

I know, everyone gives me a hard time because apparently it's not normal for china to be the first item you scratch off your baby shopping list. So, humor me.
The room looks like it is fit for a princess! I love the china and "Tess". How beautiful the blanket is that Wendy made! It was so nice of your friends to come out when it is such a busy season. I'm glad everyone is taking such good care of you and Tess. Love, Mom
Um... is that a SHEEP in the top photo? I'm so sad I wasn't at your shower :( Believe me, I have plenty-o-goodies saved up for the wee one. Mom will only be able to pack one outfit 'cause her suitcase will be full of "Tess stuff."
I like the idea of being showered with well-wishes. "Earl, get in here. I'm trying to get some hot water again and all the spigot is giving is those durned well-wishes again."
-- your squeaky lil' 9-year-old
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