Warning: This post contains graphic images that may not be suitable for children, or anyone who just finished eating breakfast.
Well, I'm finally in the loop about my own induction date! I'm so fed up with my Kaiser insurance, I could scream!
The doctor tells me at my appointment on Wed. that he will contact the hospital to schedule my induction, which would be around Dec. 14th.
And since I've learned to assume nothing (even that which would seem to be common sense), I asked him if he would notify me of the date once it is scheduled. He paused, considered it, and said, "Yeah, I guess we can do that." He told me that they'd let me know by Friday.
So I try and get some info out of them on Friday and hear nothing back. I call this morning, and since you can't directly call the doctor's office, I'm told by the Kaiser phone operator that it's still early and the doctors haven't yet checked their messages and I should hear something by the afternoon. Yeah, right.

After some hunting around, the hospital operator finally confirms that I'm scheduled to be admitted to the hospital Thursday, Dec. 13th at 7 pm, for induction the following morning at 7 am (I stay over the night before so they can get me ready for the next morning).
So with any luck, Tess should be born Fri., Dec. 14th! Now let's just hope the doctor knows to show up!
I apologize in advance to anyone who loses their lunch, has their retinas burned, or can't sleep tonight because they viewed this image (however, I cannot be held liable, since you ignored the warning at the beginning of this post--it's called "assumption of risk").
This photo provides disturbing proof that I'm ready for this baby to be here! When I told people at church on Sunday that this would be the week, everyone acted so surprised it was happening so soon. When my bishop found out during tithing settlement, he practically fell out of his seat! I guess he still thought I had a couple months to go. "Do you people not see what I can see??!! I'm GI-NORMOUS!"

Love the post, but the pics aren't showing up :(
The pics show up if you click on the little square. Then go back to the blog and all the pictures will show up. Miriam, you have got to be in PAIN!!! The ice cream, however, looks delicious, and reminds me I have an errand or two on 2nd East... I can hardly wait for Tess to get here! Love, Mom
definitely an appointment you don't want to miss. don't forget to bring your own socks, your scriptures, and, well. . .Tess.
Yay, you did the bare-belly goddess shot! Yep, it looks like she's just about ripe!
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