It's been a very long week, but we're still alive to tel

We are all doing well--baby especially! Ry's parents have been angels to care for us while I recover from an infection. My mom flew in on Thurs. night, which has also been a God-send!
Baby Tess had to go on a "biliblanket" for phototherapy to treat her jaundice. It's basically a paddle with a fiber optic light that stayed strapped to her back 24-7. She looked like a little firefly. Luckily, she only had to wear it for 2 nights before her jaundice levels went down.
Tess has been growing like a weed--she's starting to get chubby cheeks. I swear she got fatter while she slept last night. She's more alert and spends lots of time just looking around at everything. Her favorite toy is her hands. She has to have them constantly up by her face. She loves sucking on her fingers and occasionally pops in in single thumb.
There's been intense debate whether Tess looks more like Ry or me, but I was able to settle the debate by digging up some of Ry's baby pictures. The resemblance is pretty convincing--she's a Daddy's girl, sure enough.

Merry Christmas to you all! We love and miss you!
She is SO GORGEOUS! My goodness, she's a beauty! Such a dear little thing... how I wish I could hold her! Kiss her all over for me, especially those precious wrinkly hands. AWWWW!
She does look like her Daddy... those little dimples she gets above her lip... such a cutie!!
yep, she looks like Ryan. She is ADORABLE!!!! Can't wait to see her.
the pic of Tess in the bottom right hand corner especially looks like Ryan!
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