So we've been sitting tight, trying to stay cool until we head to the beach this weekend. The forecast says we may get rain during our trip, but honestly, rain is a welcome thought at this point. If it stays this hot, we may not get to spend much time in the sun.

Monday we decided to forgo our annual 4th of July picnic and celebrate inside at the air-conditioned movies. We met Nana & Papa for Toy Story 3, Tess' first movie theater experience. We stocked her up with popcorn, and she did pretty well, considering the movie was little long (And too loud! Why do movies have to be so loud?). After the movie we headed back to share birthday cake with the Higginbothams (my 3rd birthday cake of the year!) and Nana even bought party hats. Now I can say I truly got everything I wanted for my birthday this year!

Tess has been attending a little summer school put on by my friends' daughter, Leah. She is 11 years old and wants to be a teacher, so she's been hosting a [FREE!] 2-hour summer class once a week for kids in the ward. Tess gets so excited to put on her backpack (full of diapers and wipes) and see her friends at her "class." Leah set up their basement as a schoolroom, complete with "desks," crayons and pencils for each of the kids and decorations on the walls. They do crafts, practice coloring and writing and read books. She's the littlest student, and all the older girls fawn all over.

I was unsure how Tess would do the first time I dropped her off, so I hung around a while to make sure she was OK. She finally came over to me and said, "Mom, go to the doctor!" I took that as a subtle hint that she wanted me to leave, since the only time I ever leave her with someone is when I have a doctor's appointment.

Tess also had another friend over this week--Baby Grace. We call her
"Baby Grace" because we've known her since she was a baby, but she's not really a baby anymore. They played toys together, read books and watched Pingu on my bed. It's interesting to watch Tess interact with younger children. She does a pretty good job sharing, but it's good practice for her.

Hmmm...what else? We went to the pool yesterday to try and cool off, but after about 10 mins. it felt more like bath water than a pool. HOT! Tess likes the water and will gingerly jump off the side of the pool into my arms. She also likes making friends at the pool and sharing their pool toys.

And I had to retrieve Tess from the maze-like playground at Chick-fil-a today. She's usually too terrified to even attempt the hamster-like maze of fun, but she was brave enough to make it half-way up the vertical tube today. Then she froze and had a total meltdown, requiring me to maneuver my too-huge self into the too-small tube to rescue her. Good times.

That's it for now. We'll check in when we get back from the beach!
That little school is the cutest thing! What an ambitious 11-year-old!
I remember climbing up in McDonald's slide to get Kenzie down--not fun! I love the school pics. You are blessed with good friends, Miriam. Tess looks like she is blessed with good friends too! Have fun at the beach!
I am sorry. You really need to come visit us in San Diego. You would love it. It has been freezing and cloudy for 2 weeks. I am not kidding/exaggerating. I have been wearing my ski coat to the pool everday while Kate and Truman has swim team practice. And we have not seen 2 seconds of sun for 2 weeks now. I think you should come to our beach....
Such a cute post. That's how LK looks when she watches Pingu too -- all sprawled out and relaxed with a sippy, twisting her hair. Such a cute kiddo! Hope you're having fun at the beach. When do ya get back? I miss my phone buddy!
Aw, they are so CUTE together! It looks like Tess had more fun with Grace this time now that she can actually walk around and play! :) Thanks for babysitting for me that day. It looks like they had tons of fun! (Much more fun than I had that day I'm sure. I think I would have rather kicked back with a sippy cup myself!)
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