Monday, July 26, 2010
You Are My Sunshine
This is one of the happiest faces we've seen from Tess the past several days.
I'm talking about tantrums, the likes of which we've never seen before. Screaming & crying spells that go on for 30 minutes for no discernible reason. Crying simply for the sake of crying. Nothing will appease her. Everything you do (or don't do) just makes her more upset. "WAAAAAA! I sad." "WAAAAAA! I cry." "No, no, no, no, no!"
If I tell her to stop crying or try to wipe her tears she protests: "No! I need my tears! I need my tears! I NEED them!" Eventually, she'll forget why she's crying and stop, only to suddenly realize that she's not crying anymore. "MY TEARS! WHERE MY TEARS GO? Oh no! I can't find MY TEARS!" Then she starts up again.
I'm not sure whether to attribute this to her recent illness, the fact that she was cooped up inside all weekend long, or the news about baby brother. She really isn't sick anymore, so I suspect the last factor is playing some role.

I brought out this little baby outfit that Dipsy bought last time she visited (we picked out a pink and a blue outfit). Tess likes to periodically pick it up, show me the "so cute" little feet and carry it around.
Mixed emotions.
yup, being the first kid in a family can be tough. . . Poor little punkin'
xo nana, also a first
Oh, dear. That does not sound like fun, even though it made me laugh (from a distance). Start telling that girl about her upcoming vacation and cousins camp, and that Aunt Reen has a PRESENT just for her!
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