You can probably tell that I haven't been in much of a picture-taking mood lately. The shutterbug urge comes and goes. However, Maureen's demand for baby pictures remains constant. So once again, this post is for you Reen!
Fortunately, Green Bean's desire for pics of my baby should decrease dramatically 6 months from now, when she has her
OWN little bambino to capture on film. Tess, enjoy it while you can. Your days as the littlest cousin are numbered! (Finally, someone else to pick on!)
Tess has discovered that books aren't just for ripping to shreds. It's much more fun if you read them and THEN shred them! She really has gotten into books lately.
My funny monkey.
There it is--the Great White! Check out that tooth!Climbing is hard work!
As requested--pics of Tess' hair.
It's not curly per se, but it definitely has curl to it.

I worked all morning to snap a pic of Tess with her new tooth coming in.
She wasn't very cooperative.This was the best I could do. Can you see the faint glimmer of pearly white on her bottom gum?
It sure is taking it's time to come in!
And one last hurrah! Baby and Mom. Happy now, Reen? Pregnant women can be so demanding!
I was beginning to think your camera was broken! I thought you might wait to post until Tess had in a full set of teeth. But these pics were well worth the wait. Nice to see that Tess is more into climbing the stairs than eating them. I miss you, little Tess! Miriam, you are looking FINE!!!!! Love, Dipsy
Love, love, love the last picture of you and Tess! I think you two look so much alike! I also loved all the black and white action shots! We miss Tess! We didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her!
I always want more, more photos too, and I live near Tess! Go figure. Loved all the photos. So glad to see that baby with a tooth (of sorts) at long last. My favorite photo was the shot with her legs straight up in the air.
xo Nana
This post was delightful! I don't know if I'd call that tooth a "great" white. I had to do some major zooming in to get a glimpse :) I love the pic of her flapping her hands, she looks like she could take off any second.
Congrats on finding white tights, they are adorable on her! Glad to know her knees won't be chilly.
P.S. Her hair is irresistibly sweet. Curly locks, curly locks, wilt thou be mine?
Mir, I totally know how that sister of yours can be. She's so demanding! ; ) Love these pics, especially the one of you and Tess.
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