"Don't be embarrassed by your running. You might think you look slow and awkward. Slower than who? The two-thirds of all Americans who don't exercise at all? The 95 percent who couldn't run a mile without stopping? As a slow runner, you're still the cream of the crop."
So now I'm registered for my first 5K. Here goes nothing!

Fit Families 5K Running Festival
Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 8:30 AM - Fairfax, VA
As the spotlight event for the City of Fairfax Trails Day Celebration, join us for our 3rd annual running festival for the entire family! 1-mile fun run FOR THE KIDS, and a 5K run/walk through Daniels Run trail system. The 5K is 1/2 trail and 1/2 street. Activities during and after the races to include moon bounce, face painting, vendors, food, music and more.

You GO GIRL! I'm right behind you. Okay. Maybe not RIGHT behind you, but within a mile or two. Dad and I are still both in shock that Miriam is running in a race!
AWESOME!! I love the quote, it is SO TRUE. You are absolutely creamy in my book (yes that's a compliment).
If all else fails, at least you can have fun in the moon bounce!
You'll do great, wish I was there to cheer you on...
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