It's been kind of a rough couple weeks, but I think we're over the hump now. Drewsie went in for his 4 mos. appointment and checked out well. He had a feverish reaction to the 4 vaccinations he received and then started in on a pretty bad cold that he still hasn't fully recovered from. I know it's a bad cold because I caught it from him--and I've been miserable too!
In spite of it all, his spirits have remained high. He's such a good-natured, happy little boy. The doctor said he could start on cereal, and he's been enjoying that. Some pics from his first meal:
Tess was excited for him to eat cereal, but soon melted down when she realized she wouldn't be able to feed him his first bites. Then she got mad because she wanted HER cereal because she was SO HUNGRY!
After a time out (can you hear her screaming in the background?), she finally got her turn to feed Drewsie.
Goofy kids.
Hmmm...what else? Drew survived his first serious sister-induced injury.
OK, it wasn't entirely her fault, but I'm choosing to blame her anyway. Ry was at a bishopric meeting Wed. night, so I was trying to put both kids to bed. Tess was using the bathroom upstairs while I was feeding Drew and she called down to me that she needed help cleaning her poop. Yeah. So I take Drew upstairs and realize Tess has smeared poop all over her hands, legs, the toilet and the toilet paper roll. I put Drew down on the bathroom rug to wipe Tess down. I lift her up to wash her hands in the sink and we accidentally knock the blow dryer off the counter and it plummets down and hits Drew smack in the face. He screams, I scoop him up and realize he's bleeding where it hit him on the cheek just below his eye. I worry something might be broken, cracked or that he might have a concussion. He finally calms down, I finally get Tess to bed and I determine that he's a little beaten up, but probably OK. Deep breath.
He looks a little rough, but at least it didn't swell or turn black and blue.
In the midst of all this, I've been trying a little sleep training with Drew. It's not going spectacularly, but I guess I can't expect much with all the interruptions along the way.
Other than all that, life has been relatively normal. Tess' latest creative endeavors include:
Your new headline picture background looks VERY familiar! I still see that pattern in my sleep! Those pics of Drew eating cereal for the first time remind me of YOU eating cereal for the first time. But then again, I guess there's not that many different ways to do it. Tess's hair is lovely in long piggy tails. And I love her sand box, and the mat you put on the back deck. You always have such clever ideas!
I don't think a single bite actually STAYED inside Drew's mouth! But oh how I want to give that sloppy boy smooches! That's quite the battle wound he's sporting...
Tess' hair is getting so long! She's such a sweet big sis!
Mark loved watching the videos of Drew eating. I'm sorry that he's been sick, I hate it when babies get sick, poor little people. P.S. I LOVE your sand box!!! I'm going to have to do that.
So neat to see pictures of Drew enjoying the bites of his very first meal! And what a story about Tess and the #2 and the Blowdryer! Hope Drew is feeling better and that you are as well!
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?" Me: "Umm, sure!" Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?" Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
Ohmygosh! Who would ever have thought that watching a baby spit out cereal could be so charming and fascinating?!!! I must be a grandmother. . .
xxoo Nana
Drew looks like a little prize fighter.
Your new headline picture background looks VERY familiar! I still see that pattern in my sleep! Those pics of Drew eating cereal for the first time remind me of YOU eating cereal for the first time. But then again, I guess there's not that many different ways to do it. Tess's hair is lovely in long piggy tails. And I love her sand box, and the mat you put on the back deck. You always have such clever ideas!
I don't think a single bite actually STAYED inside Drew's mouth! But oh how I want to give that sloppy boy smooches! That's quite the battle wound he's sporting...
Tess' hair is getting so long! She's such a sweet big sis!
Mark loved watching the videos of Drew eating. I'm sorry that he's been sick, I hate it when babies get sick, poor little people. P.S. I LOVE your sand box!!! I'm going to have to do that.
I want fuzzy cannoli kisses!!
You're going to get some, Maur! I bought our airline tickets yesterday! We come out August 10-24th! I'm SO excited!
So neat to see pictures of Drew enjoying the bites of his very first meal! And what a story about Tess and the #2 and the Blowdryer! Hope Drew is feeling better and that you are as well!
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