Friday, April 22, 2011


A few pics before Easter.  Though Tess is ready to be done with Easter and she's already planning for "Fourf of July."  

This is what I found when I headed up to get Tess from her "nap" the other day. Not a whole lot of sleeping going on up there.

The first of several Easter egg hunts this year.  This one was at the Bringhurst's house.  They have some of the cutest kids on earth and a great backyard for egg hunting.

We've had some pretty nice weather lately.  This pic is Tess and her "friends" doing a little sunbathing.  She asked me, "Mom, you get me a sunburn please?"  I think she meant suntan lotion.

We spent this sunny day at Reston Zoo, a local petting zoo.  Tess said she was going to pet the lions.  No lions, but they did have a number of other "wild" creatures there.

This picture makes me laugh.  First of all, I don't know this lady at all, but her son spent the whole wild animal ride taking pictures of Tess.  I don't think his mom even realized what he was doing.  He filled the whole memory card on her camera.  She'll be surprised when they get home and the only photos they have are of the little girl sitting next to them.  Secondly, Tess is laughing in this picture at the ostrich leading our "parade."  Tess thought that ostrich was hysterical.

The setup there was a little strange.  I wonder what the people who live in the neighboring beautiful houses think about having a view of zebras in their backyard.  Tess pointed to one of the houses and asked me if that's where the gorillas live.  Maybe.

Tess' favorite animal was Crackerjack, the Bactrian Camel.


Dipsy said...

I don't see a whole lot of petting going on.

Dipsy said...

I would be traumatized by the bacteria camel! Way to go, brave Tessie!

Love you!

Ryan said...

We happen to live next to a parrot just like that one. You are lucky you are not one of those petting zoo neighbors! You'd think they'd say funny things like 'I'm a little teapot' but really they just scream like they're being mugged all the time.

Maureen said...

I think I'd like to have zebras in my backyard! I love how Tess thought that no P's were allowed in the no parking zone :D

You are such a good mommy to take your kids to fun things like the petting zoo. I probably didn't leave the house for Xander's entire first year!

Ann said...

Soooo funny about the camera! Wish I could see that mom clearing her memory card! :) What a fun day!