Monday, January 3, 2011

Dressy Drewser

Ryan's been lamenting the fact that Drew's wardrobe selection is more limited than Tess' was, so I had to do at least one "What Drew Wore to Church Today" post.  Today was Drew's first day at church, and we basically had to take him because I don't think he'll fit into this outfit next week.  Already it's too short and he kind of looks like he's wearing knickers.

Drew was a good boy and slept in his carseat for all but the last 15 minutes of church, which meant that nobody saw his knickers anyway.  But let me assure you that he looked very handsome for the 15 minutes that he spent out of his seat screaming in Relief Society.


Mommy loves this little boy.  Does he remind you of this little girl? (Minus the corn syrup bow, of course.)


Dipsy said...

I would scream too if I had to wear knickers to Relief Society.

ML said...

eeeps, he does look just like tessie! that's crazy. don't worry, i'm sure they'll go their separate ways once puberty hits. that's one cute kiddo. baby craving.

ML said...

P.S. I think it's time to get rid of the "Footsteps Forecast." She's got the hang of it now, so if you want to leave it up then you should have it be a Drew prediction.

Dipsy said...

I love that little boy too, and also the girl with the corn syrup bow, and their mommy and their daddy, and their grandpa! Love, Dipsy

Maureen said...

Darn, I have a hat to match that outfit! I suppose it won't fit by the time I got it mailed :(

I love Tess' tidbits! Put them in the dryer, Mom! That girl is too smart for his own good!