Ry likes to test Tess' will power in a game of "Don't Feed the Doggie." He'll give her a snack and then admonish her, "You can have these crackers, but whatever you do, don't give crackers to any doggies." Then Ry will act like a begging doggie, "Arf, arf! Can I have some crackers, arf?" Tess shares her crackers every time. She also shares with cats, bears and monkeys.
Today I was showing Tess how to use a "walking stick" during a short hike in the woods. She picked up a large stick, started hobbling around with it and said, "I grandma!"
Tess is surprisingly good at finding details that are the "same" in her books. One book showed some slices of cake on a table, and she eagerly flipped back several pages to find a picture of the whole cake on a cakestand in the kitchen. "Same!" Another book showed a bathtub and she pointed out a bar of soap, then flipped back to find a sink with--what do you know?--a bar of soap. "Same!"
After church Ryan & Tess drew pictures, read books, danced to "Jesus songs," made Play-doh mustaches, shared a popsicle, blew lots of bubbles, ran up and down the sidewalk for an hour, and watched Curious George.
Me: "You didn't get a nap today, Ryan. Aren't you tired?"
Ryan: "Yes. But I don't get that much time with Tess."
A new favorite (and frequent) Tess phrase is: "No, not today!" This is said with a defiant voice, as in, "Tess, let's change your diaper."
"No, not today!" OK, we'll change your diaper tomorrow.
Before Tess went to bed tonight she started yelling for her "MM's book!" After searching frantically around in her bed, she was relieved to finally find her "Humpty Dumpty" book.
We've started having two prayers for dinner every night, since Tess insists on saying her own prayer. Her prayer is a long list of things she's thankful for and often includes church, friends, "Tess, Mommy, Daddy," house, and food. Her list then unravels as she starts naming everything in sight. "Thank you for highchair, light, clock, table, Tess, forks, plates, Tess, milk, eyes, nose, Tess, mouth, hair..." Did I mention she's thankful for Tess?
Tess was not happy when Ry brought me home tulips tonight.
The other day when Tess was painting outside on the deck, I heard her say, "Hi, how are you?" Alarmed at who she might be talking to, I discovered she was conversing with a bird on the fence. Now she often summons the birds to come see her artwork.
When I broke out my sandals for the first time this season, Tess said, "Oooo, pretty shoes, Mommy! And toes!"
Tess' new favorite obsession: pointing out things that are "the same." News flash: green plants & green paint are "the same."