In planning for Ry's birthday this year, I thought back to the first November 6th I spent with him 12 years ago. It was a gorgeous autumn day and we took a romantic picnic to the park, where we ate lunch and snuggled on a blanket under the bright blue sky and golden, changing leaves. He was so cute and I was so HAPPY!
So, I planned picnic and we headed over to
Clemyjontri Park. It is an amazing playground designed so that special needs children and other children can play together. Everything is low-to-the ground and easy to access, which makes it great for toddlers!

It would have been the perfect day if it didn't turn out to be so cold and windy! There was tons to do and Tess wanted to try it all, no matter how cold it was. We braved the frigid temps long enough to test the out the maze, ride-on cars, airplanes, trains & school bus, playhouse, 3 different playgrounds (but she refuses to go down any slides), seesaw, swings and the Sway-fun glider.
But it would have taken a whole lot of snuggling to endure a picnic outside. Instead we took it home for a picnic in the living room. Less romantic, but much warmer!
For the record, Ryan is still cute and I'm still HAPPY! Happy Birthday, Ryan ! Your 2 girls LOVE you!
If Ry bounced any harder, he might turn Tess into a special needs child...
Kenzie was jealous, she wanted to play at the park too.
Happy Birthday, Ryan! You don't look any older since the last time I saw you and you're bouncing with as much vigor as a pre-teen! You (and Dick Clark) never age! What's the secret?
It's always fun to be around you two because you seem to be as much in love as the day you married. Happy Birthday, Ry!
Happy Birthday!
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