Monday, March 9, 2009

Lazy Days of We Wish It Were Summer

We relished 70-degree temperatures here this weekend. We are just so ready for spring to get here! It's gorgeous again today, but alas, it won't last. A cold front is coming in. Better enjoy it while we can!

We went for a short outing to Occoquan on Saturday. We had lunch at Mom's Apple Pie Company (you can imagine how diet-friendly that was!) and discovered a new walking trail.

Tess was thrilled by all the larger-than-life
representations of fruit at the bakery.

I tried to make up for my bakery indulgences by going to a spinning class this morning. A friend in the ward was giving a free demo class at a local gym, so a bunch of us went for exercise class. I was nervous because I heard it's such a tough workout. I did pretty well--"butt" I know I'm going to be killer sore tomorrow.

I left Tess with the gym childcare during class--I was nervous about doing that as well. She had a great time though. (You can imagine that 9 bopping Mormon moms can really fill out a childcare room!) Tess was playing trucks when I came in and didn't seem to miss me at all.

We went for a walk on Sunday too. Tess loves the puppies we always see on our walks. She starts "arf-arffing" if we see one a mile away.

The rest of Sunday was filled with naps (daylight savings + early church+pre-church bishopric mtgs for Ry=BRUTAL), open windows and cool breezes, playing with trucks and dollhouses, and Couch Olympics.

In all, a perfect weekend!


Dipsy said...

I have some happy memories of pastry sampling on that red bench! Of course the word "sampling" might be a little delicate! Be finished with the cold spells by the time I get there next month. And leave a few kisses for me to steal from Tess! Love, Dipsy

Maureen said...

She's always dressed so cute! Almost makes me wish we were having a girl so I could inherit those clothes...

You're getting so skinny! That photo must have been taken pre-apple pie! Glad you survived your exercise class. Good for you!