Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Very Happy Un-Birthday

Tess and I have been having a grand ol' time here with Dipsy, Baba and all the Murdock aunts, uncles & cousins. Tess got over her stranger fears pretty quickly and has warmed up to everyone.

Tess has been getting lots of loves here!

Today Maureen threw Tess the biggest bash of her life, in celebration of her 1/2 birthday. Reen tried to make up for 6 mos. of celebration in one party, and it was a spectacular event!

We had a tea party a la Alice in Wonderland, complete with vintage tea cups & saucers, lemonade & mini gourmet cupcakes.

Maur even made matching napkins monogrammed with Tessie's initials. Everyone had a grand time, even though Kenzie informed us that boys don't understand tea parties.

Tess got several sweet 1/2 birthday presents, including a handmade card from Kenzie personally inscribed with all the things K wants to do with Tess; some stylin' sunglasses, a cute polo dress, and a sweet headband.

What a lucky girl my Tessie is to have so many people so happy she's here!


Ryan said...

That's an amazing party--cupcakes, table decorations, fine china, custom-made party bags, flowers, embroidered napkins, and presents! Thank you, Maureen, for doing so much to make little Tess' day. I like her sunglasses.

Isaac looks sharp in a shirt and tie.

Ann said...

OK, I cannot get over the birthday/tea party!!! Will your sister come to my house for a week so we can do projects??? That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! She is so creative and talented.

Love the pictures of the little beauty. I am so glad she is letting people hold her and love her! What a cute family you have!

Unknown said...

Oh I wish I could've been there!!!! First of all, I love the idea of having a 1/2 birthday party. Second of all: a tea party is too too cute. Third of all : I WANT THE CUPCAKE RECIPE! Happy 1/2 birthday Tessie. I am so glad you guys are having such a fun time. I know Ryan misses you (I've been checking up on him!)