Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dressy Tessie

Stake Conference Sunday--I'm a big fan! No early morning meetings for Ryan, no Primary for me and only 2 hours of church. Plus, the stake center is our same church, just right up the street. Ry told me that Stake Conference used to be held 4 times a year. Not a bad idea, in my estimation.

Today Tess wore one of the lovely Sophie Dess sweater dresses from Aunt Laura. Warm, snuggly and pretty too! The precious crocheted booties are also from Laura. Her matching pink rosebud blanket was made by her Grandma Dipsy. How great to have an excuse to snuggle this sweet little bundle for 2 hours!

I've been thinking what a rag-a-muffin Tess is going look like once she has to start wearing clothes that I've actually bought for her! But when I undressed her after church, I realized that my favorite outfit for her is the one her dad and I gave her--her birthday suit


Unknown said...

LOVE Dressy Tessie in the sweater dress!! She looks just like a baby doll. I also LOVE Dipsy's blanket. I want her to make me a sock monkey one like yours!

Anonymous said...

I love how her little rosebud mouth matches the whole outfit. Dipsy

Unknown said...

What a darling birthday suit. Did Ryan sew it himself?!! You are both great seamstresses! =)

Maureen said...

I can't get enough of this baby. She's SO beautiful. I love that last picture, she looks so flirty and coy. Adorable outfit, as usual.

And if I were a poet I would write an ode to those dimpled shoulders... lovely!