Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Christmas is coming right on its merry way!  We've had a warm December and I'm not sure we're going to get any of Tess' favorite weather:  "SNOW!"  Not much we can do about that, but we've been doing what we can to create some Christmas cheer.

When we greeted Santa in Occoquan, I scoped out Christmas card photo spots and later took the kids back for a photo shoot.  It's practically impossible to catch both kids smiling at the camera at the same time.  I need to remember that the first photos always turn out the best, so I should shoot my favorite spots first.  The kids get sick of it pretty quick, even though I brought along lots of marshmallow bribes.

Another favorite Christmas activity is snuggling.  OK, so we're year-round snugglers.  But we're getting excited for Ry to have lots of time off for lots more snuggling.

It's funny to me how much Tess loves playing with our nativity set.  This scene is titled, "The Adoration of the Magi, Ponies, Trains and Little People."

We spent a day making our annual "Gingy House" with Nana.  Tess' involvement this year was more of a supervisory role. She'd leave to play with her toys and occasionally come back with opinionated decorating critiques.

I got a crazy idea to try making homemade candied caramel apples as giveaway gifts this year. The recipe that tempted me is fairly involved, and I had nightmarish visions of burned caramel and 12 sticky mixing bowls all over the kitchen with caramel sliding off of apples everywhere.  I called both Maureen and Meredith, wanting them to talk me out of the idea, but they weren't home.  Then I called Wendy and she said I should do it!  Evil mother-in-law!  Turns out it wasn't so bad, the caramel set up and was DELICIOUS!  

It wasn't until we were all finished with the project that I remembered how much my dad used to like caramel apples, and I'm sure subconscious childhood memories played a part in my wanting to try these.  I remember with fondness making caramel apples with the family as a kid (we used the flattened caramel sheets that you wrap around the apples) and my dad relishing them.   I remember how happy I was because he was so happy!  Funny how this memory first came back when I was sticking the pointed wooden dowels in the apples--almost a deja vu feeling!

Tess and Ryan helped with the toppings and decorating.  Mini M&M's (Tessie's favorite), mini chocolate chips and toffee pieces worked well as toppings (though toffee seems to be the favorite).  You have to work kind of fast before the caramel sets up, so it was good to have extra hands.  

A couple notes to self:  

  • cooking the caramel takes the full 12 minutes, so be patient; 
  • granny smith apples taste the best with the caramel; 
  • average-sized apples are plenty big once you get all the toppings on them;
  • wash the apples with a little soap to remove wax; 
  • Pam spray works well to keep them from sticking to the foil; and 
  • work a little faster next time!)

They turned out really yummy and our friends really enjoyed them.  I think we have a new gift-giving Christmas tradition!


Nana and Papa said...

Applicious! I'm so glad we get to try one. They look even better than Mrs. Prindables'

xo Wendy

Dipsy said...

We love the Christmas pictures of Tess and Drew. Oh how I miss those babies!

ML said...

Delectable! I'm so very impressed!

Maureen said...

Wow, those look good!

Ann said...

Ok-i am LAUGHING!!!!! That Nana told you to do it! And I loved hearing about how you remebered that your dad loved them when you were a kid. Miriam, those turned out BEAUTIFULLY!!! They look like the really outrageously expensive ones you can buy!!! I am seriously soooo impressed! Darling gift!