Friday, May 27, 2011

Well-Child Visit (?)

I took Drew in this week for his 6-month check-up.  I'm pleased to report that Drew is growing like a champ!  He is now 27.5 in long (90th%!), weighs 18 lbs. 4 oz (65th%), and his noggin is 44.5 cm around (70th%).  At this age, Tess was just as long, but 2 lbs. lighter than Drew.

The doctor said Drew is an active, curious, and social baby.  He reaches for everything (the doctor almost lost her stethoscope when she wasn't looking) and he smiles at anyone who says hi to him.  The doctor was also impressed at the extent to which the marbling of his skin has cleared up and faded.  Even the most severe streaky area on his arm has faded considerably.

Drew is a little behind when it comes to gross motor skills.  After Tess, that doesn't come as a huge surprise.  He's still working on sitting up and isn't particularly interested in rolling over.  He is a lot more stable than Tess was at this point, though, so I'm not going to sweat it too much.

One thing that didn't check out too well was his ears--turns out he has an ear infection in his left ear!  I had no idea!  He hadn't been sleeping well at night for a few days, but that's nothing new with him.  The night before the appointment was really bad.  He screamed and screamed from 11 until 1 am, even though I'd fed him a full bottle.  I was so upset and frustrated with him because he just wouldn't sleep!  I felt terrible when I found out about his ear.  My poor Drewsie.  He's on a round of antibiotics now and we're hoping the medicine helps with his sleeping too.

Other than that, he's a happy healthy boy!  Here's video to prove it.  Now would you think this baby has an ear infection?


Maureen said...

He DOES look like a happy, healthy boy!

Tess' hair is so LONG... then again, Drew is looking pretty furry too. Love those babies!

Dipsy said...

How could you possibly know that bright, happy little boy has an ear infection? I'll bet that's the very reason he wakes up at night. So tonight, EVERYONE will get a good night's rest! Loved the video. Can't wait to see you!

P.S. Do I need to bring out some ping pong paddles?

Dipsy said...

Those two sure have fun!