Monday, March 28, 2011

More Signs of Spring

What the ...?!

So, it hasn't exactly been feeling like spring around here lately.  I was cursing the brief snowstorm we got on Sunday and Tess said to me, "Don't worry, Mom.  It's OK.  Spring come back soon."

So we've been living in denial that it is positively frigid outside and we just keep telling ourselves that spring will be here soon.

I took the kids out for our first long walk in our new-ish stroller.  I bought it off Craigslist for a steal and it's practically brand new.  It's been great for both the kiddies.  Drew's carseat snaps to the front and the back can either be a full seat or a bench, which makes it easy for Tess to hop on and off.  We had a great 3 mile walk, but next time I will bring a hat for Drew and a Pull-Up for Tess.  (Let's just say there is a flowering dogwood tree that is now well-fertilized.)  On the way back from our walk, Tess said, "Now let's go to the ice cream store!"

The stroller also served us well on a trip to D.C.  My cousin Matt and his family were vacationing in D.C., so we met them for lunch at the Natural History Museum.  This is the first time we've met their 2 adopted sons, Jacob and Levi.

Tess had a great time at the museum with her second cousins. 

Anyone get the feeling that Jacob was trying to put the moves on Tess?

This weekend we had dinner at Nana & Papa's with Ryan's cousin Tyler, who recently moved to D.C.  Nana got out an arsenal of Easter decorations, much to Tess' delight.  Tess has only been asking me 5 times a day if Easter is here yet.

This week also marked Drewey's 4 month birthday!

Tess has been honing her stand-up skills with Drewey.  We're not sure why she thinks some of the things she does will make him laugh.  When she talks to him, she makes these loud, exaggerated noises that are a little off-putting.  I can't help but wonder if I sound that bad when I talk to him.

Drew has an appointment this week that I've been saving up all my questions for, like:  "Just how flat a head is too flat a head?" and "Just how constipated a baby is too constipated a baby?" and "How do you know if chronically dry skin is really eczema?" and "Why won't this durn kid sleep through the night?!"  But other than that, he's a great kid and we love him bunches.


Maureen said...

Woo, mega-post! Drew seemed sure entertained by Tess.

Tess and her "cousin" aren't technically related, so... go for it!

Dipsy said...

What fun videos!

Dipsy said...

I love every single thing about this post. Even your snow flowers are beautiful. How great that Tess has a grandma that goes all out for decorations, because Tess appreciates it so much. Nothing gets past her! Drew looks so handsome in his blue sweater--I think blue is his color.
Love you!