Exciting news from my doctor's visit today: the doctor plans to induce me at 39 weeks! That puts us at a birth date of approximately December 14th! (I won't know the exact date until about a week before.) That gives me only 3 more weeks! My response to this news:
The hospital I have to deliver at is about 45 mins. away in good traffic (which practically never happens, and yes, we pass two other hospitals on the way), so I've been most nervous just about getting to the hospital in the first place. Hopefully the baby won't come any earlier, and I'll be able to deliver in a planned, controlled environment (as opposed to, say, on the side of I-95). The only downside is that Mom won't be out until Dec. 20th--but at least we know the baby will be here for Mom's visit. Whew!
AMEN, SISTAH! That is a huge relief. Oh, I can't wait for cutie Tess to come!
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