Friday, April 26, 2013

Falling Behind

Man oh man, do I have a lot of pictures in this post.  Here's what we've been up to lately:

Burke Lake Park

Drew has been begging to go on a train lately, so we took a picnic to Burke Lake Park last weekend.

Ryan's been teaching Tess to hit a ball and Tess is actually pretty good.  
I can't tell you how that warms my softball-hating heart. 
(That sport was the bane of my existence for all of elementary school, and then some.)

Drew was pretty thrilled at the prospect of riding the train, and then was fairly stoic the whole ride.  He loves to talk about the red train now though, and the tunnel and getting wet on the ride.

Preschool Open House

We had Tess' Open House at her preschool this week.  They turn the classroom into a "museum" with all of the projects they've worked on all year.  Tess was very proud to show all of her man creations.

This is the kitty Tess played with at her favorite center this year, the "vet" center.  This kitty had a chronic condition known as "Whiskeritis," the treatment for which is to pull on his whiskers.  

Drew was impressed with "Hershey" the guinea pig. 

Tess also loved the "Home" center this year.

Rocket Visit

Tess has been waiting and waiting and waiting for her turn to bring her class puppy "Rocket" home for a sleepover.  We decided to make "Rocket" Chip Cookies (because they have black spots like him).  Tess also treated him like a real puppy, giving him food in a bowl, administering a careful vet check-up, and walking him on a leash.

Tess has learned to crack an egg all by herself.  
Drew helped too.

Nana/Papa Visit

Today we had another fun visit at Nana/Papa's house.  Tess and Nana made this super-cool bulletin board mirror together.  It's going to be so cute in her room!  Drew hung out with Papa, and played cars and basketball and rode bikes outside.  In other words, he was in heaven.

To break up the ride, we stopped at Occoquan on the way home.  

This kid is delectable.


Dipsy said...

What fun you have!

Dipsy said...

That first pic of Ryan and the kids is priceless!