Monday, February 4, 2013


Today Tess worked on signing Valentines for her preschool class.  This meant signing her name 20 times in a row.  I told her she could do a few every day for the next week and she said, "That's OK, I can do them all right now!  I'm fast as a chipmunk eating 100 nuts really fast!"   
And she was.  She finished the whole stack in about 5 minutes.  
Good thing she didn't have to write her last name.


Dipsy said...

Tess, you are so cute! Will you be my valentine?

ML said...

Look how organized your markers are, ms Stewart! They even have lids!

Nana and Papa said...

Ohmygosh! As fast as a chipmunk eating 100 nuts really fast. Now, *that* is fast!

xxoo Nana

Maureen said...

Kids with short names have all the luck. I feel bad for Xander when he has to write that poem with all the letters of his name...