We had fun with Tessie at the National Air and Space Museum this past weekend. She's been interested in outer space for a while now. She loved the planetarium show and was dazzled by all the stars. Ry said he could see her hands and feet "twinkling" in the dark.
Here's Tess with a picture of her favorite planet, Saturn. She likes its rings. I never realized how big it is.
Tess was most excited to going inside a "rocket ship," though the morning of our trip she told me she scared that the fire from the rocket ship would burn her feet. She was OK once I assured her the rocket ship would stay in the museum. I figured that Skylab, the first US space station, was a pretty good approximation of a rocket ship. This place is TINY--there is only one little walkway and it takes all of 45 seconds to go through. Not for Tess. We walked through, then we had to go back through against the flow of traffic and then we resorted to just standing in the middle of the walkway and letting everyone go around us. She wanted to take it all in and point out all the details to me.
She also got to do a fun pilot simulation in an airplane, but I was with the baby so I didn't get any pics. Pictures are a lot harder to do with 2 kids!
I'm realizing now that I'm short on Drew footage. I don't have video of him sitting up, rolling over or doing any of his tricks. I've been getting by with an old memory card for my new camera, and it runs out of space every time I try to use it. I ordered a new card, so hopefully I can get some video before he goes off to college.
Drew "coloring." I fashioned a doll house for Tess out of an empty Dr. Pepper case. She calls it her "spicy" house.
Hmmm....what else? Ry and Tess finished reading "Charlotte's Web" and Tess drew this picture of Charlotte and her babies that have "little balloons out of their webs." I love all of Charlotte's arms. Actually, Ry and Tess just finished reading "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle" too.
Life around here has been exceedingly normal, which is great. We're gearing up for big adventures with all the cousins in Idaho!
Tess & Drew playing doctor. We use a lot of band-aids in this house.
T&D watching early-morning cartoons together.
Tess playing a new version of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. And you wonder why this version hasn't caught on at parties.
Tess being Tess. She discovered the camera on my iTouch and it is now her favorite feature. I had to delete about 130 pictures she'd taken of herself.
Oh my gosh! I'm laughing out loud. I'm pretty sure I know why Tess' version of Pin the Tale on the Tess isn't a big party hit--yet. And her funny faces are classic. Drew is getting so big, and the two are darling together.
Before 7 am this morning, Drew had already unwrapped and put on his Christmas Eve jammies. Drew’s defense: “What’s wrong? The package said open on Christmas Eve and TODAY is Christmas Eve!!!”
Drew: "Mom, can I make you a present for Christmas Eve?" Me: "Umm, sure!" Drew: "Can I use one of my old socks?" Me: "Umm...."
Morley left some chocolates with a much-needed reminder for the kids to use kind words.
Drew reported: “Mom, you have to use sweet words with me cuz you love me and Morley said so.”
Not sure the message got through to him.
Drew interrupted the dinner prayer and said, "You know at the end of the prayer you say, 'Name of Jesus Christ, Amen'? Don't say that part. Instead, say 'Happy New Year!'"
Oh my gosh! I'm laughing out loud. I'm pretty sure I know why Tess' version of Pin the Tale on the Tess isn't a big party hit--yet. And her funny faces are classic. Drew is getting so big, and the two are darling together.
xxoo Nana
I love the early morning cartoon pics. Wish I were there snuggling with them See you soon!
Oh no, Tess has a digital mirror.
What a fun post! I bet Papa is so HAPPY he got you that ipod now!
Tess is such a SMARTY PANTS! They're going to skip preschool and kindergarten and put her straight into fifth grade!
And Drew, oh, Drewsie, I can't WAIT to meet you!!!!!
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