Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Family that Surfs Together....


Nana and Papa said...

ohmygosh, the kid is already a "crackberry" addict!

xo Nana

Unknown said...

I'll bet they are texting each other. Here is what they are saying:
Tess: Hi Daddy. What are you up to?
Ry: Not much, just lying around, watching Scooby Doo on my blackberry.
Tess: REALLY? That's exactly what I am doing!!

Ryan said...

Ha, Laura! Actually they had just finished coloring together in a Scooby-Doo coloring book! That's the truth!


Dipsy said...

Lauren loved it when I read all of Tess's plans for her Idaho vacation, and she was REALLY happy when she heard that she is Tess's best friend!

Maureen said...

My feet need privacy. :D