Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cousins Camp 2010

Dipsy and Papa's second annual Cousins Camp was a big success!  All year long Tess talked about last year's camp at the Wild, Wild Woods, so she was looking forward to this year's festivities.  And she was not disappointed--Dipsy and Papa packed the day full of kid-friendly nature activities.

First up were Nature Display boxes, which the kids got to decorate and fill with "treasures" from nature. Kenzie was excited to take her box home to fill with stuffed animals.

Next, they headed to the bridge where "Blueberry Kitty" (aka Papa with a cat hat) lives.  They went "fishing" over the side of the bridge for huckleberry-collecting pails.  Blueberry Kitty had decorated a special pail for each one the kids.

Once you have a blueberry pail, it's time for berry hunting!  Wild huckleberries were everywhere--ripe for the picking!

After the berries, it was time for some water fun:  racing boats under a log "bridge" and a vicious squirt gun fight  (Murdock family motto: "Show no mercy.")

Where there are Murdocks, there has to be FOOD!  The kids took on a painting project while we got the food ready, complete with campfire S'mores and fire-cooked scones with honey butter (Dad's got those to a delectable culinary science!).

'Till next time, Wild Woods!  See you in 2011!


Dipsy said...

Such cute pictures! I hadn't seen these before. Makes me miss summer and my little "Dipsy's Dears"!

Ryan said...

Sorry it took so long. Blogger has a new photo uploader which was being buggy. I tried a few times before and gave up in frustration.