Monday, June 14, 2010
Two and 1/2
A very happy un-birthday to our favorite sweetheart, Tess!
If you ask her how old she is, she doesn't hesitate to say, "Two and half!"
Tess practicing her big-sister skills.
From the amount of Balmex she's gone through, I'd say that Elmo has one mean diaper rash.
I'm not sure how to tell her that Elmo is supposed to be red.
She certainly seems grown-up for a 2 1/2 year-old. How did that happen in a mere 30 months?

Favorite Silly Words: "a-skoodle," "a-noodle," "a goodle," "a-boo-head"
Favorite TV shows: Curious George, Umizoomi, Pingu
Favorite foods: cheese, chocolate milk, smoothies
Most looking forward to: "A beach vacation!"
Response if you ask her what she wants to do today: "Mommy play."
Her plans to help the baby: hold the baby, hold the bottle, play toys, watch a show, change a diaper, give hugs, take a bath, push a stroller, build sandcastles
Favorite songs: "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "I am a Child of God"
Favorite things to play: Kitchen, dollhouse (especially at Nana's house), kitty, cash register (aka "calculator"), chalkboard
Favorite places to visit: library, pet store, smoothie shop, gym, spray park, playground
Favorite treats: M&M's, marshmallows
are you coming to visit?!? she needs a beach vacation!!!
Nothing that exotic, Ann. We are going to spend a few days up at Bethany Beach in Delaware. I'm hoping she loves the beach--it's all she talks about right now. When she takes her sandals off, she stretches out her toes, sighs, and says, "I a beach, Mom."
She is wise to beware of bears at church. Isaac frequently brings Glo-E to Sacrament meeting.
Bears at church are a perennial problem here in Virginia. In Utah, it was cougars. But here, you never know when you'll smack right into a bear near the church drinking fountain. . .
What a beautiful little face our Tess has--as a tiny baby and as a big 2 1/2 year old.
xxoo Nana
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