Sunday, September 13, 2009


Ryan is working hard to ensure he is no longer the lone football lover in this house. With some coaching, Tess has now mastered the word "football" and can show us how to kick and throw. And if anyone cheers for any reason, she's always happy to join in.

Ignore the disaster of a house.
There are more important things than
housekeeping when BYU is leading by 51 points!

Mainly, Tess loves having fun with her dad. To celebrate the big win, Ryan & Tess went on a Daddy-Daughter Date to the Smoothie Shop.

Go, go, go, go, go!


Unknown said...

Ry, you really should have been a BYU cheerleader!!! I didn't know you had so much blue and white in you.

Ryan said...

Yep, Ryan bleeds blue. Really. You should've witnessed the scene when he tripped over his pom pom.

Unknown said...

At least he didn't trip over his megaphone :)

Ryan said...

No, Ryan is very skilled with the megaphone.

Maureen said...

Love this-- you need to special order a cheer uniform for Tess!