Life is good. I joined a gym a few weeks ago, and we're still trying to figure out a schedule that works for us. I'm still attending my church exercise class in the mornings, so I've been doing double-duty workouts M, W, F. The first week I was absolutely exhausted, but I'm adjusting. Tess has learned to love her childcare "class" at the gym. It's been great to have the time and ability to focus on a good workout.
I wish there were more hours in the day. There are some people who spend hours at a time at the gym. I'd love to be able to spend 2 hours doing a full workout, but I really don't want to leave Tess for more than an hour at a time. Slow and steady, I suppose.
Spinning class is totally kicking my butt. It's a brutal workout. I get a little scared every time I start and I'm amazed and relieved every time I finish.

These pics were on facebook too. Yep, that's me in the green shirt.
They took photos during their "Customer Appreciation Day." I feel very appreciated.
In this photo I'm thinking, "Just where is this photo going to show up?"

This is the same class, but I'm not in this picture. Thank goodness--they look awful!
That's enough of the exercise talk. There was this bodybuilder woman in my spinning class this morning, and she gabbed incessantly about lifting, carbs, what her kids aren't allowed to eat, supplements, how to make wheat germ chicken nuggets, poisonous poptarts, what a couch potato her husband is, yadda, yadda, yadda--SHUT UP! So, yeah, that's enough.
What else has been going on?
- We had a fun visit with Nana & Papa last week. When I put Tess down early for her nap, I told her, "Tess needs an early nap because when she gets up we are going to NANA/PAPA'S HOUSE!" Her squeaky reply, " 'kay." First thing when she woke up, even before I turned on the light, she yelled out, "PAPA'S HOUSE!" (Sorry, Nana. For some reason it's always "Papa's House.")
- Tess learned a new word from Nana: "Pumpkin." Now she loves to point out pumpkins everywhere we go!
- Last weekend we took Tess to the Natural History Museum in D.C. and we had a blast! We let her take charge and she ran around showing us everything. We stayed in the mammal exhibit, and her favorite animals were the giraffe, zebra and anything small and rodent-like. (Too bad I forgot my camera. Blogging funk, what can I say?)
- After the museum, we stopped off at the National Book Festival on the Mall. It was packed, but we braved the crowds for some tote bags and a free poster. (I do love the poster.) Fringe benefit--the festival was sponsored by PBSKids, so Tess got to meet some of her favorite PBS characters: Curious George, Sid the Science Kid, Clifford & Martha (Who strangely enough would only nod instead of speak. I asked if she'd had her alphabet soup that morning, and she nodded yes. Hmmm.) Again, no camera.

- Tess will soon be the proud owner of a new set of Pollywog orthotic shoe inserts to treat her flat feet and pronation issues. Her physical therapist fit Tess for them today and the therapist thinks they'll make a big difference in her balance and stability. Here's hoping!