So I've developed a new rule: a single "tagging" response gives you immunity to all future tags. With this post I consider myself officially "safe."
And notice, Maureen, that I am not going to continue this madness with vindicative tagging (I'll get my revenge in a better way--you'd better stay on your toes!).
A Valentine's Day Tag
HOW OLD IS RYAN: 34...I'm pretty sure. I'm REALLY bad at remembering dates and ages. It took me years before I could remember Ry's birthday with any certainty. I still am a little fuzzy as to our anniversary date (December 29th, I think).
HOW OLD AM I: 31...I'm pretty sure. All I know is that Ry's older than me--that's all that matters.
WHO EATS MORE: When it comes to Mike & Ike's--definitely Ryan (yuck!). When it comes to everything else--me.
WHO SINGS BETTER: Me, though I am the one who messed up our one and only "special musical number" in sacrament meeting. And Ry does sing some dear lullabies for Tess (last night it was "My Shnuggy," to the tune of that "My Buddy" commercial from the 80's).
WHO IS SMARTER: Ry--hands down.
WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY: When laundry gets done, it's usually me, though Ry does often help me fold the laundry.
WHO DOES THE DISHES: Usually me, though Ry helps on the weekends.
WHO PAYS THE BILLS: He makes the money, I spend it.
WHO MOWS THE LAWN: Me--ah, the power of the mighty push-mower!
WHO COOKS DINNER: When dinner is cooked, it's usually me. But Ry is very understanding when I ask, "I guess you probably want dinner tonight, huh?" He's usually content with a bowl of Life cereal. However, Ry does make a mean pancake (a trait he inherited from his Dad).
WHO IS MORE STUBBORN: I'd probably say Ryan on this one.
WHO ASKED WHOM OUT FIRST: Ry asked me out--though it did take an excruciating amount of patience on my part. He called me up on a Friday evening and we talked on the phone for over an hour before his cordless phone totally ran out of battery power. So, he hung up and let it charge for a minute before he called back and we talked for all of 3 minutes before it died again. So, he let it charge again and called back and then it died. I just wanted to see how many times he was going to do this until he finally asked me out so we could talk without a phone dying every couple minutes. The answer is many, many times. But, he finally did and the rest, they say, is history.
WHO KISSED WHOM FIRST: I kissed him...a girl can only be so patient!
WHO SAID "I LOVE YOU" FIRST: Ry says that I did, and it's likely true, though I don't really remember.
WHO PROPOSED: Ry did, though with some gentle encouragement.
WHO HAS MORE SIBLINGS: I have 3, Ry has 2.
WHO WEARS THE PANTS: Ryan is definitely HOTH ("head of the household")--that will make him mad!
This is great!! The wonders of technology & being able to see the lives of our loved ones in such a short time!! Thanks for your work this morning to post this!! She look great & active!! Happy Valentines day to you all back there!!! Love, Aunt Linda & Uncle Alan S.
I beg to differ on some points above.
Re Mike and Ikes: first, Miriam does not decline when I offer her red ones.
Second, oddly enough, there have been several occasions in which the number of Mike and Ikes inside an opened box mysteriously declined while I was at work (the box was at home). I've chosen to overlook these situations thus far, realizing that my wife has a secret addiction.
But I'm understanding, and I will stand by her.
Re who proposed, Mir was a bit ticked that I took so long to propose.
I choose neither to conform nor deny the rest of her responses, but I will say: I love you, Mir.
First of all, I want Ryan to sing "Your're Daddy's Favorite Valentine" to Tess so I can decide who is the better singer. You are pretty darn good, Mir. Fuzz REALLY misses his sweet Tessie.
Thanks for stopping by, Aunt Linda, for a peek at Tess. I hope you're having a nice Valentine's Day.
Mir-you are the CUTEST mom!! I've watched the video of you singing to Tess about 5 times and I am sure I'll watch it about 10 more tonight. I can't get enough of your singing!!! It's too cute. =) =) Happy V-Day. Love you guys.
Re: Mike and Ike Great Debate
Well, yes, yes, it's a fact that Ry is addicted to Mike & Ike candy. Why, when he was but a wee boy of 18 months, he somehow managed to make his way into the basement and eat our whole year's supply of the sweet little dudes.
In an ill-fated attempt to deter such theft,we re-labeled the next case "Stu & Drew." But, inasmuch as Ryan began reading at age 2, the spurious label didn't fool him for long. Good-bye another case of candy.
As a loving mother and mother-in-law, I am genuinely concerned that my two little attorneys have elevated the Great Debate over the disappearance of Mike and Ike's to a courtroom case. He said; she said. Red ones go missing. SOMEONE is perjuring. . .herself. . .
xxoo Ryan's mother
okay, here's the deal. if i get a video post of ryan singing "my Schnuggy" (clever idea although the real My Buddy is unbelievably frightening), then i'll finally get some pics posted. i'd also like to protest a few points. Ryan is NOT, i repeat, NOT the most stubborn of you two (a brief reminder here of how long you lived in a 1 x 1 closet, Mir, as well as pulling together a makeshift bed over top of a different closet. Good grief, the lengths you would go to to get away from me!). I also think it would be in your best marital interest to expound upon the "Favorite Valentine" song. Aren't you leaving someone out? (besides me, of course).
That girl has some MOVES! "You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind..."
"My Schnuggy," huh? My Schnuggy and me!!! And I thought I was the only one who remembered that creepy freckled doll.
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