Saturday, February 23, 2008
Museum Hopping

We took Tess on her first DC outing today to the National Gallery of Art. We were excited to show it to her because its one of our favorite places to visit---definitely one of the best museums in DC. We went to see an exhibit on Baroque Woodcut that Ry's been itching to see for a while. Absolutely amazing stuff--its so hard to fathom that these prints were done in the 1500's.
Ry's been interested in woodcuts ever since he tried doing one for a project in high school. Granted, he used linoleum instead of wood and the subject was a little less lofty than those we saw today (a picture of a golfer), but from all reports it turned out pretty well. I've read that black and white patterns are supposed to be visually stimulating for newborns, so I thought Tess would love them, but she pretty much slept the whole time. I may have to attach a few of these to her mobile--do you think they'll give her nightmares?
Anyway, I think her first experience was a good one. She at least found the outing relaxing and so did we!
You guys are the cutest little family! And I think Tess is destined to be just as smart and cultured as the two of you!!
Ahh, yes. Ryan's magnificent baroque woodcut of a golfer. Now don't laugh, but the image was actually of the world's *very first golfer* at what would later become the fabled St. Andrew's course in Scotland. The man--Tavish McWoods, sartorially correct--was wearing a clan kilt (of course), holding a large, knotted tree branch, and hitting a skunk cabbage across the loch. In short, the work was an absolute tour de force; and several numbered prints now hang in prestigious homes in Washington, D.C. (that would be us) and Scotland (in the Glasgow bus station restroom).
xxoo Ryan's mother
Tessie looks like she is having a BLAST! I see Ryan finally got to meet his fashion idol, the man in white tights. haha
Laura, the "man in white tights" is actually Napoleon. He, like Ryan, has his hand inside his shirt to pat down severe upper gastric distress. In Ryan's case, the culprit was a Big Mac. In Napoleon's case, he had just eaten at "Le Fromage de Charles" (that would be Chuck E. Cheese for you less cultured folk!).
xo Ryan's and Laura's mom.
I think Wendy had one too many Diet Cokes today. ;)
The bottom photo shows Mir and Tess in front of the famous painting "Whistler's Sister."
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