Saturday, February 16, 2008
Baby Talk
Baby Tess has been doing so well with her sleeping the past few days! Last night she slept for 8 straight hours--and without the aid of her beloved bouncy chair! When she was sick and refluxy we let her fall asleep in this vibrating bouncy chair, which she loves. Once she got used to that, she wouldn't fall asleep without it. So we'd let her fall asleep at night in it, and then transfer her to her crib once she zonked out. Last night we tried putting her down in her crib and she was able to fall asleep on her own! She was able to fall asleep in her crib for naptime and bedtime today, as well. What a big girl!
I've been trying to get her to coo and talk to me, with somewhat limited success. Now I know what my problem was--I've been talking to her in English. Last night Ryan started talking to her in this bizarre, pidgin-baby language and suddenly she became a little chatterbox! I don't know where Ry learned to speak baby, but he's quite fluent. He won't let me post the video I took (he does sound pretty funny), so here's one of me attempting to converse with her. Unfortunately, I'm not any better at speaking baby than I am at speaking French. Hopefully, it won't be too long before she starts to pick up English.
I've been trying to get her to coo and talk to me, with somewhat limited success. Now I know what my problem was--I've been talking to her in English. Last night Ryan started talking to her in this bizarre, pidgin-baby language and suddenly she became a little chatterbox! I don't know where Ry learned to speak baby, but he's quite fluent. He won't let me post the video I took (he does sound pretty funny), so here's one of me attempting to converse with her. Unfortunately, I'm not any better at speaking baby than I am at speaking French. Hopefully, it won't be too long before she starts to pick up English.
I would pay big money to see Ryan's baby-talk video. How about a private showing?
Tess is gorgeous in her pink sweater and Mary-Janes. Thanks for sharing. Love, Dipsy
Pun is FABULOUS! This ranks as the greatest post EVER!
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