A few things about one-year-old Drew:
- He weighs 23 lbs. 13 oz. and is 31 inches long.
- He can do a pretty fast army crawl that looks more like he's swimming than crawling. He can stand holding on to the couch, but doesn't pull himself up yet and can't stand on his own. He also has yet to figure out how to go from sitting to crawling and vice versa. So if he's sitting, he's pretty much stuck, though he has started pushing himself around a little while in sitting position. Walking still seems a far way off.
- Drew still loves to hold straws, crayons, markers, pens, and balls. He also loves buttons and anything electronic. He loves the telephone, computer and changing channels on the TV with the remote control. He enjoys baths.
- He is a light sleeper.
- When he gets excited, he extends his arms and wiggles his hands like Tess does.
- From what we can tell, we think Drew may be left handed. He seems to favor his left hand for most things like eating, throwing a ball, and playing.
- We think Drew has some understanding of the words: Mama, Dada, Tess, num-num, ball, hug and kiss. The only word we are certain he understands is light, because when he hears that word he looks straight up in the air in search of a light.
- Drew loves music and actually has a good sense of rhythm. Whenever he hears music, he starts bopping along or swaying in time with the beat.
- He still thinks Tess is the funniest person ever.
- He lets out great belly laughs when Tess pokes him in the stomach or in the foot or bops him on the head. He also laughs hysterically when he is tickled on the hips.
- At this stage Drew is something of a picky eater. He still loves baby food and isn't a big fan of texture in his mouth. He eats cheese, bread, crackers and pretzels, but doesn't like vegetables and refuses to eat meat of any kind. He won't eat rice, but has started to eat noodles. I'm hoping that once he gets used to textures he'll eat a wider variety of foods. He takes his bottle less and less (he tends to knock it away from his mouth), so he's going to need to start eating more.
- Drew loves going out and being outside. He's a very easy baby to take places.
- If Drew really likes something (e.g., the cord attached to the attic door), his eyes widen and he purses his lips into a circle and says, Ooo-ooo! Ooo-ooo!
- Drew LOVES books and gets very animated when looking at pictures. He uses his pointer finger to tap the page and often lets out excited shrieks. He especially loves picture flap books and has a very long attention span when looking at them.
- Drew is a strong boy and is able to pick up or grab just about anything within reach. It is difficult to hold him still when changing his diaper. (If given a chance, he will quickly flip over onto his belly and crawl away--regardless of whether he is wearing a diaper.)
- Drew smiles easily and flashes a big smile at many people.
My whole family just looked at all your Thanksgiving pictures. We can't believe how big Drew is!!! He is soooo cute!!!! We loved the Thanksgiving hat too!
And, I need to get your cranberry and sweet potato recipes!!!
Yes, we skype!! Kate skypes with one of her cousins all the time. That would be fun! Also, one of your xmas presents will be arriving at your house in a couple days. Another one is on it's way. :)
I love the corn candles, Wendy! Is Drew actually standing up? No wonder he got droozy at dinner! That's a lot of work for a 1 year old! Tess and Wendy's hat is one of the best "craps" ever. The picture of Keith and Drew is priceless. Looks like everyone had a delightful day! Miss you!
A sly grin from I-can-stand-up Drew.
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