Friday, November 11, 2011


We celebrated Ryan's 28th birthday last weekend.  Tess, of course, took the opportunity to handcraft some decorations and we had a birthday dinner with Nana & Papa. 

We had a "Dad-centered" Family Home Evening.  For our lesson Tess drew pictures of things we like to do with Dad and he had to guess what they were:

1.  Playing ball with Drewie.
2.  Giving Mom a foot rub.
3.  Watching Tess ride her bike.
4.  Reading Tess a book on his lap.
5.  This is a map of Tess' favorite spot in the woods where she likes to go on a walk with Dad.  
6.  Giving Tess a hug on his lap.

We've enjoyed having some extra time together this Veteran's Day weekend.  Ry took Tess for her favorite weekend outing, golfing, and then we did a little yard work.  Kind of sad, because Tess has been talking about fall leaves and wanting to rake and jump in them, but we only have one tiny tree in the front yard.  So we raked up the leaves we had a made a huge pile (about one bag's worth).

Funny boy.  We tried Drewsie out on a little bike.  He loved it, but didn't want to hold on to the handles. Basically he just reclined back, lifted up his feet and waited to be pushed.


Dipsy said...

They look like little Eskimos in their hooded coats.

Dipsy said...

Love the long eyelashes on mommy while she's getting her feet rubbed. Also, the autumn leab
Ves picture Tess made is delightful. Drew will catch on to his bike, then watch out!

Maureen said...

Oh my gosh! I have that exact same coat, Mimi!! Weird.

Ryan said...

Yeah, I've seen your coat. But I had it first! :)

Ryan said...

28! Robbin' the cradle Mir?

Ann said...

Jake and I just looked at all your photos. He loved looking at the pictures of his cute cousins!!!

Maureen said...

I'm looking forward to some turk-ola this week!!