Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Pics

We had a wild time at the Pumpkin Patch festivities at Lake Ridge Nursery, just down the street from our house.  Tess loves pointing out the ghosts and all the decorations every time we pass by, so she was pretty excited to go.  Tess' favorite was the big blow-up slide and the potty rides are always a good source of amusement.  Drew liked patting all the pumpkins.



Dipsy said...

These pics and videos made me laugh out loud! I hope Tess got some "Brave Faces" on her chart for going down that slide, climbing up on that big boat, and going on a potty ride with her dad! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

ML said...

Yay! Everybody looks like they're feeling better! First time I've ever seen a "potty ride." Looks like a lot more fun than our potty.

Dipsy said...

Yahoo! Another brave face for Tess. I am so proud of you for going to your Primary class , Tess!

Maureen said...

Potty ride?!