Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Potty Training: Take 2

Since the novelty of the sticker approach has worn off, it's time for a tactical change.  I've upped the ante big-time to Tess' all-time favorite treat:  M&M's (or "MM's," as she calls them).

So we buy the "MM's" this morning and I explain the "MM Potty Game" to Tess, as follows:

"Tess, it's your job to tell me when you have to go potty.  So, if Tess tells mommy, 'Mom, I have to go potty!,' she will get MM's!  If she puts pee in the potty, she gets 3 MM's.  And if she puts poo-poo in the potty, she gets 5 MM's!  Yes, it's exciting, I know!"

To test her comprehension of the "MM Potty Game" rules, I ask her:
"So, Tess, can you tell me what the magic words are to get MM's?"

Her response:
"Trick or treat!"


Dipsy said...

Way too funny!

Shari said...

That's awesome! I used MM's to train all 6 of my kids. :)

East Coast Jenny said...

How funny. M&M's worked for us as well. Although, my girls only got two for pee and three for poop. Tess is a lucky little lady.

Maureen said...

Oh she's a smart little thing! I adore that girl!