Tess & I spent the morning at the zoo with my childhood friend Jody Landon Watson and her 4 girls. Jody and I were close friends when I lived in Virginia, and it's been 10 years since I last saw her at my wedding. They recently got a job in D.C. and they're now living in Maryland. Her oldest was 2 years old at my wedding, so it was fun to spend some time with them.
Hillary, Marion, Denise, Tess & Lindsay |
It was a crisp, cool autumn morning and the animals were out in full force. We even got to see the new Elephant Enclosure, which is finally open after being under construction for AGES!
Tess was most impressed by their wagon, which she enjoyed riding in with Lindsay. They were both quite insistent on using the little door to get in and out of the wagon. I was most impressed that Lindsay (age 3) is not only potty-trained, but gets up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.
Speaking of monkeys, did I mention that Tess has finally figured out that she can get out of her toddler bed by herself? Not a whole lot of sleeping going on during nap time these days. When I got her up from "nap" yesterday, she was wearing 4 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. I put her down in a shirt and diaper.
Speaking of diapers, did I also mention that we are now done potty-training? At least for now. I bought more diapers.
I rather like the outfit Tess put together. Looks very Left Bank!
xxoo nana
Looks like fun! What, no picture of Jody?!
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