This morning Tess woke up yelling something indecipherable again and again. When I went into her room, I asked her several times to repeat what she said. She was yelling what sounded like "I want to go on the Metro." When I asked her, "You want to go on the Metro?" she looked up at me with squinted eyes and loudly exclaimed, "PLEEEEEEAASSSSE!!!!"
Today for her dance performance, Tess told all of her stuffed animal friends to have a seat and she gave them each a "ticket." I'm waiting for her to start charging admission.
In the car today: "Huh. Baby Brother, Mommy, Daddy, Tess, Nana, Papa. That's a lotta family."
Tess has become quite the creative dancer. She likes to point to the area around her and say "That's my stage."
Another new phrase that makes Tess sound more like she's 16 than 2 1/2: "Huh. That's weird!"
For those concerned that Tess is not receiving proper princess indoctrination, today she found a high heel in my closet and said it was her "glass slipper."
2 new favorite Tess phrases, often said at random and inconsequential times:
"I love to you."
"I happy."
Tess had a meltdown today when I couldn't carry her to the car because I had a lot of other things to carry. Later when we went to the grocery store, Tess insisted on bringing along two small toys--one for each hand. As we were walking in the store she said, "Mom, I no carry you. I have lots of STUFF!"
Tess has a new phrase she employs whenever she gets the slightest injury: "O-w-w-w-w-w! That hurts my pro-o-o-blems!" This exclamation gives the impression that her injuries are more serious, and of a suggestively more embarrassing nature, than they really are.
At the pool, Tess loves seeing the wet "pawprints" that follow her on the pavement.
Given that she scares easily, we decided against taking Tess to see fireworks this year. So, we put Tess to bed and settled in to watch the D.C. fireworks on TV. A few minutes into the show, Ry was concerned that Tess was missing out (Elmo & Big Bird were hosting the show, after all). "Should I get her up?" he asked. "It's up to you, Ry." Ry ran upstairs to get Tess up, I popped popcorn and we turned out all the lights. He was right--she loved it!
We were playing "soccer ball" at the Spray Park today, and Tess kept making some weird gesture where she'd hold all her fingers up to her mouth and puff her cheeks out. When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I have a whistle."