Monday, March 15, 2010

A Blast From the Future (Wendy titled this post.)

Well, it's a done deal. We are proud to announce the transfer of Baby Blast Higginbotham.

This is an actual photo of our blastocyst! I was really surprised when they gave me the picture--they didn't do that with Tess. Yes, I know it's weird. But amazing.
I told you he/she/it would be cuter than those other embryos.

Waiting a couple extra days did the trick, and they were able to determine the best embryo from the lot. The doctor said the best embryo we had is a "1BA" embryo, and there was another close behind it. He said the remaining embryos were slower to develop.

I really don't understand the grading system they use, and they don't do much to educate you about it. Not a lot of info online either. Best I can tell, Grade 1 embryo is the highest, and refers generally to the size and expansion of the embryo. The first letter (A,B, or C) refers to the quality of the inner cell mass (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the baby) and the second letter (A, B, or C) refers to the quality of the trophectoderm (the part of the blastocyst that is going to be the placenta). Thus, the very highest quality embryo is a 1AA.

The doctor said our embryo looked very good and supported transferring only the one. The remaining embryos will continue to be grown out for a few more days and if any are of high enough quality, they will be frozen for possible future use. The doctor didn't sound really hopeful that any would remain for freezing, but it's hard to tell at this point.

Our appointment yesterday was at 1:oo and we were finished by 1:15. Not at all painful, except they make you drink inordinate amounts of water for the ultrasound. I was ready to cry just so I could release some water. Then they take the ultrasound probe and push down where? Right on your bladder. "Just a little pressure." Oy. At one point the doctor commented, "You have a really full bladder." Really? I had no idea.

I'm on bedrest for 24 hours, so Ry's home watching Tessie today. I'm supposed to take it easy until my pregnancy test on March 26th. No exercise--doctor's orders! Darn.

A few pictures of another cute embryo. We're sure glad she took. Let's hope Baby Blast follows in her footsteps!


Maureen said...

I love the pic of Tess sleeping. She is so very dear.

Your blastocyst is beautiful! It's the most spherical one I've ever seen :)

Shari said...

Congrats on the transfer. Hope it goes as great as Tess!

Ann said...

Noooo! No twins????????????? Why didn't you just say "implant them all?"

juanita said...

what a perfect title for your writing, fingers crossed for success!

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said...

Rock on, little Blast, rock on. Your other little "blastocyst" is the cutest thing ever. She looks so much like you, especially when she smiles. I will send good thoughts and prayers your way.

ML said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! All these car pics, though -- please tell me these were taken at stop lights.